Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Friday, 28 September 2012

Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers

N.B. Webber Reviews This well-established text book fills the gap between the general texts on fluid mechanics and the highly specialised volumes on hydraulic engineering. It covers all aspects of hydraulic science normally dealt with in a civil engineering degree course and will be as useful to the engineer in practice as it is to the student and the teacher...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Building Materials by S.K Duggal Third Edition

1. Principal Properties of Building Materials  2. Structural Clay Products 3. Rocks and Stones 4. Wood and Wood Products 5. Materials for Making Concrete-I Cement 6. Materials for Making Concrete-II Aggregates 7. Materials for Making Concrete-III Water 8. Materials for Making Concrete-IV Lime 9. Puzzolanas 10. Concrete 11. Concrete Mix Design 12. Building Mortars 13. Ferrous Metals 14. Non-Ferrous Metals 15. Ceramic Materials 16. Polymeric Materials 17. Paints, Enamels and Varnishes 18. Tar, Bitumen and Asphalt 19....

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

gate 2010 answer keys


Civil Engineering - Online & PDF Ebooks

Civil Engineering - Online & PDF Ebooks Following are the list of civil engineering ebooks download links available on web. You can read online or can download this pdf civil engineering ebooks from the following download links. Details for Conventional Wood frame construction Builder’s Foundation Handbook Crumbling Dreams What You Must Know Before Building or Buying a New House Inspection and Other Strategies for Assuring Quality in Government Construction (1991) Engineering and Organizational...
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