Showing posts with label Bricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bricks. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 September 2012

What Is Brick Masonry?

Brick masonry is the process of constructing a building from individual bricks laid in a specific pattern and bound together, usually by mortar. Occasionally, the term is also used to refer to the brick units themselves. Masonry is considered a durable construction method, and brick is one of the most common types of masonry used in industrialized nations. The strength of a brick masonry structure depends on the type and uniformity of the individual bricks selected, as well as the style of masonry used. Bricks are made in a range...

Types of Bricks

There are three types of bricks,1. First Class Bricks2. Second Class Bricks3. Third Class Bricks Specification of First Class Bricks• Made of good earth which is free from saline deposits and are sand molded.• Burnt thoroughly without being vitrified and have deep red, cherry and copper color.• Regular and uniform in shape and size with sharp and square edges and parallel faces. • Must be homogeneous in texture and emit...

Types of Bricks

Some of the different types of bricks is as follows. Clay Bricks - It is like an artificial stone obtained by moulding clay in rectangular blocks of uniform size (19 cm x 9 cm x 9 cm) and then by drying and burning these blocks.Heavy Duty Bricks - These bricks are made by either pressing process or by extrusion process. these bricks are used in heavy construction engineering works such as bridge structure, industrialfoundations,...

Types of Brick Bonds

Different Types of Brick Bonds are,Stretcher Bond Stretcher bond is the commonest bond used today and the least interesting in appearance. It can be made more interesting by laying a course of different colored bricks or to lay such bricks to form a pattern on a wall. Flemish BondFlemish bond consists of alternating headers and stretchers along each course with the headers centered on the stretchers above and below.English BondEnglish...
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